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Well, I am back.

Hello everyone, I know it has been a long time since I have written on my blog but, alot has happened. I've gotten married, I work a job I enjoy and I've been working on a book I've been featured on the episode interactive shelf a few times now which I would've been able to do without the amazing people in this community. So, I am going to do my best to bring the blog back! I got a few plans that I will share later on in this blog post. I'm trying my best not be awkward (as sometimes I usually am) but, that is because my self esteem took a hit and I am still trying to build it back (which I've been working on for a few months now.) I am slowly working on my stories again as my new job is busy and sometimes I just need to unwind from a busy day. But, this being said I am also inspiring myself to write again and trying to keep an update schedule that works (which I will only be posting about once a month with dates to keep an eye out for). But, like life sometimes that can change and I will always keep you all updated if things change. I am also taking time for myself as sometimes I just need a break and to focus on myself, which I'm sure you can all understand when we all need a me day. Well, I am back and I will do my best to keep you all in the loop of my daily life with some Week in the Life posts.


Anyways, I guess I will post the update schedule here. Again I will only be posting this once a month and I am doing updates and writing when I am able to as writing is not my career and is a hobby. I used google calendar to help keep me organized.

Week of April 1, 2023 - Huntress (1 Episode to possibly be released)

Week of April 8 , 2023 - The Crimson Keeper (1-2 Episodes to be released)

Week of April 15, 2023 - LDR: Light Of The Moon (1 Episode to possibly be released)

Week of April 22, 2023 - AW: Planet E (1-2 Episodes to be released)

Week of April 29, 2023 - Reveal: The Queen's Alliance (1 episode to possibly be released)

If there is an underline under possibly it means may or may not happen depending on my schedule. So, keep an eye on my social media.


My plans for my website are listed here:

  • interviews from people in the community

  • tips and trick

  • Wolf Pack Member of The week

  • Week in my life blog posts

  • story feature shelf

  • maybe bring back the a popular awards show I host

  • To have a group that is active to help share reviews and more.

  • plus more.

I don't want to share everything as I want to keep some surprised for you all. But, I will explain all the ones that I have mentioned.

Interviews from people in the community:

I used to do author interviews on my podcast (which I am trying to bring to the instagram account.) But, I also know some people do not feel comfortable sharing their actual voice and I want to interview more than just episode authors. I want to interview a variety of different people from the community such as artists, authors on all levels, background creators and more. I want to make everyone feel like they're being seen no matter how many followers they have.

Tips and trick

I want to share not only tips and trick that I've learned but, what other people have learned. So, I wanted to create a weekly Tip and Trick blog post where I'll share a tip or trick of a fellow member of the community tip or trick and give them a shout out.

Wolf Pack Member of The week

Like I mentioned earlier in this blog post, I want to give back to everyone that has supported me. So, I will be doing a weekly Wolf Pack Member shout out. So, anyone that has shared screenshot, supported any of my stories, given fan art, shared some music I may like, and more have a chance to be a Wolf Pack Member of the week; which they will receive a shout out and a special badge if they're a member on my website (which they'll receive via email.) Now, whoever wins Wolf Pack Member of The Week will not be able to be nominated for the rest of the month but, does reset the following month.

Week in my life blog posts

So, I was originally going to be doing tiktok videos of these (which I have some video clips.) But, I do not feel comfortable sharing where I work. So, instead of making videos I will instead be doing blog posts of Week in my Life. This way you will all still get some of the details going on in my life and be able to read it whenever you like.

Story feature shelf

Now, this I've tried to bring back a few times and have been unsuccessful. However, I am going to try to do Monthly Story Feature Shelf (which will have themes) and a story feature of the week. So along with my Wolf Pack Member of the week, there will also be a story feature of the week. This story will be chosen by all of you amazing wolf pack family! You'll be able to vote which story you think deserves the title. The winning story will be featured on my website and receive a badge that they can share on their story and if they're a member on my website they can share the badge on their own profile as well. So, feel free to share any stories with me.

Maybe bring back the a popular awards show I host...

Okay, this one I've been debating for a while. As some of you know, I host the Episy Hood Awards and an online meetup group. Well I am trying to bring the Awards back! But, I have a new plan on how it will all go which will be posted on their instagram account (Link Here). So, keep an eye there for more information.

To have a group that is active to help share reviews and more.

I would like to have a couple people in the community who want to help grow this site with me. We can share stories, share reviews, art, and so much more. It doesn't even need to be episode related. You can share stories from Plop, Dorian, Wattpad, and more. I want this site to be inclusive for everyone and I want people who are willing to help create that vision with me. So, if you're interested, you can either email me or dm me on instagram.

Plus More!

I do have more plans for this website (kind of like I shared in the previous point.) I want this to be inclusive for everyone. I do have plans to release more content for this website but, I want to surprise some of you. So, please be patient with me.


Well, I guess that is it for now. Thank you for reading all this little blurb and I am glad to be back.

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