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Episode Community, Drama and Bullying

I feel like in our modern technology world today that a lot of things can get misunderstood. I mean with our community it can be quiet to dramatic in a day or a few minutes! Myself, I don't like getting involved in any kind of drama through the internet because once you post something or send something it's out there whether you want people to see it or not. Some drama you just don't even want to get dragged into and you somehow do. I know I want a drama free/ bully free episode community but that will never happen unfortunately because there will always be people out there who like to cause drama or bully someone just to make themselves feel powerful. I wish our community can be free of drama and bullying but I have to face the reality that will never happen. The episode community in my opinion is great. You can talk to people from all around the world and get to know them; One thing I do not like with our community is the amount of drama we get. Us as authors work hard on our stories and do out very best. Everyone has a life outside of social media. We are not robots/ machines of any kind. We are HUMAN BEINGS. We have FEELINGS, Emotions, Heart, and OUR OWN OPINIONS on everything. WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT! So let's remember to respect each other; If we do not like the opinion of someone or a post we do not like WE CAN ALL TALK LIKE ADULTS to create a drama free and bully free community. If you feel like commenting on a post about drama, bullying or whatever THINK IT THROUGH before posting. TAKE the persons feelings into CONSIDERATION and how it will EFFECT THEM. I want our community to be great and I hope everyone else see this. Let's spread the love and not the hate because the world is already full of hate and everything else like that already that do we really need to bring that kind of energy to the community? If you do have a drama or bullying case DO NOT GET EPISODE INVOLVED. Episode is a business and does not have time to get involved in any kind of that. They are people as well with lives. Here are some alternatives you can do to help make the community better if you see bullying or drama going on. (You DO NOT have to do any of these if you DO NOT feel comfortable to.)

Drama Case:

If you see drama going around the community about someone or something use these tips before reposting, commenting, or reacting.

1.) Is this drama related to me or someone I know!

If the drama going around is about you or someone you know; Get all your facts in orders. If it is about you or someone you know talk to the person it is about and find out THE REAL story; Talk to the original person who started the drama post in a calmly matter and find out why they even started the post about you; Settle it maturely and through talking to each other. If the person who started the drama is not being polite in the response to you or isn't even answering you but has read the message. Create a calm post setting the record straight with all the information you know. If you are receiving negative comments, hate, questions or anything like that in your comments or direct messages asking for more information; Make it clear in your post that you either will answer the question directly, Ignore or block the haters and negative comments, and ignore the drama. I know it is a lot easier said than done but this is a tip I always use.

2.) Turn off notifications for instagram.

I know this one sucks but it is good for you. If the drama or bullying is getting out of hand you can turn off your instagram notifications and take a break for however long you need. This is good to keep your mentality sharp and focused on your writing instead of sitting for hours on your phone feeling bad or angry about drama/ bullying going around.

Bullying Case

If you are a bully or the victim then take a look at these tips. I myself have been bullied and if I didn't tell someone I don't know how bad the situation would have gotten. If you are a bullying and you are reading this then you should check over yourself and ask yourself. I am happy knowing I am causing this person pain? If I think what I am doing to the person is a joke is it really funny? Am I getting any kind of enjoyment from what I am doing? How would I feel if I were in the victim's shoes? If you are a bully and you are feeling bad right now then I am sorry. Bullies are never born bullied. They are usually created. But bullies are human as well so some bullies can change. If you want to check out this website here. I am no phsycologist, social worker, or anything like that to help but this site may help you and I think you should talk to someone and check out these tips below.

1.) If it is bullying report the account.

If the instagram account is bullying someone you know or yourself. Write down the user name on a blank piece of paper and the reason you believe that the account should be taken down. Then click on the three dots by the users name and click report. Then go to and click on the Privacy and Safety Center then go click on Community Guidelines. Once you have read after the long section you will see a title called Help Keep This Community Strong that has a variety of options you can click on. You can click on a variety of ones but one I would do is File A Report. After that follow all the information on the forum hence why I mentions write the user name down and the reason you believe the account should be taken down. You can also screen shot the content you believe that the account violates the guidelines.

2.) Do not give into the bullying and inform an adult.

Any kind of bullying is 100% real. My twin was cyber bullied and I was actually bullied. These are both different cases as the situations were different and I don't want to go into details with. If you do not tell someone about your bullying situation it will get worse mentally and or physically for you (depending on the situation). If you don't think an adult will help or you think they will make the situation worse for you then your wrong. Adults and fellow people who care about you will help you through it and you will come out stronger for it. I know this is difficult for some people to but it will honestly help. If not you can always call Bullying hotlines ( I will not put an address as there are different links for different hotlines all across the world.)

3.) Talk about your bullying situation with someone... Anyone.

It isn't easy to talk about bullying situations in general but it is also not health for you to keep the situation bottled up inside. Talk to someone you feel comfortable talking to about your bullying situation and ask what you should do? You will be surprise what the answer will be.

4.) Depending on your situation Inform the authorities!

Obviously depending on your situation get the authorities involved. They have access to the tools to help take down a cyber bully and to even find out who it is!

I hope these tips have helped you. THINK BEFORE YOU POST. THINK BEFORE YOU DO SOMETHING. Alway be yourself. Spread The Love And Not The Hate.

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